Thursday, February 27, 2020

Health and social care for leadership and management Essay

Health and social care for leadership and management - Essay Example An extensive review of the literature on management and leadership of health and social care confirms that effective leadership and management is essential for health and social care provision. Both the management and leadership ensure higher quality, consistent safety, and streamlined efficiency. Effective leadership is essential for driving health and social care delivery. The care manager needs to have the ability to exercise the leadership skills that required in their job role for effective and efficient management of care. The health and social care provision success or failure depends upon the leaders. All care professionals are considered to play an important part in leading in some certain aspects of care. The National Health Services UK The UK National Health Services was established in 1948 in the aftermath of the Second World War. During this time, healthcare was a luxury, and not everyone could afford it. However, it was based on the principles that everyone was eligible for care. Since then, NHS has undergone a lot of changes and transformations. The National Health Service delivers healthcare to a total population of over 62 million people in the United Kingdom. According to Gopee & Galloway, NHS’s total expenditure amounted to  £106 billion out of the total public expenditure of approximately  £700 billion for the UK. Therefore, the total expenditure on healthcare accounts for 16 percent of the total annual expenditure for the United Kingdom. NHS plays a key role in providing leadership in the health.   ... Despite this desirability, the theory faces criticism from C.L. Graeff, who claims that there is conceptual ambiguity that limits the practical application of the theory’s prescriptive model. One such problem is the situational leadership theorist’s argument that a motivated person without ability is less mature than an unmotivated person with ability is, against which a number of logical arguments could be made (Graeff, 1983, p. 287). Situational leadership, which attempts to impose categorical classifications onto people and groups, often fails in empirical support as well. Task-relevant maturity suffers from conceptual ambiguity and thus offers little help in a real-life approach to solving management and leadership problems (Graeff, 1983, p. 290). Escaping the kinds of theoretical problems with situation leadership, some theorists prefer to discuss a notion of â€Å"transformational leadership.† Transformational, in this case, refers to the idea that leadersh ip should inspire and cause change in individuals as well as institutions. This notion of transformation first arose in 1978 with the writings of James MacGregor Burns, who defined the concept as â€Å"a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents† (Wren, 1995, p. 102). Defined in another way, transformation means not only instilling a new idea and motivation in one’s followers, but to empower them to become leaders (and proselytizers) themselves. In addition, leaders are turned into â€Å"moral agents,† by which Burns means they advance from one stage of development to another, fulfilling their higher human needs for esteem and

Monday, February 10, 2020

World Finacial Crisis - Impact in the American Economy Term Paper

World Finacial Crisis - Impact in the American Economy - Term Paper Example From the year 2006 the delinquency rate on the home loan has increased and it got severe in the year 2007 because the Federal Reserve has started to increase the interest rates. The house loan where the debtors have to pay floating rate interest they were in problem. So the increase of bad loans led to the failure of the mortgage lenders mainly the banks. Because of the complexity of the financial products the investors and the banks didn’t know the actual size of the losses. As a result the liquidity of the market became less and the lending decrease, as a result the credit crunch has begun. The other reasons for the financial crisis are the borrowing of the households which were beyond their means, poor lending standards taken by the financial institutions, more over the counter transactions, more reliance on short term debts and the credit rating agencies failure to assess the risk. In the era of globalization the financial crisis of world’s strongest economy also af fected the economy of the other countries. In September 2008 Lehmann Brothers was bankrupted and the financial crisis taken place. The report is an attempt to assess the impact on the American economy due to the world financial crisis. This report would find out the GDP growth rate, the changes in the value of dollar, the sector wise impact and the consequent problems caused by the crisis. Growth in the GDP Figure 1: United States GDP Growth Rate Data Source: (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2011) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country is the representative of the standard of leaving of that particular country and it refers to the value of goods and services produced by the country. The GDP growth of U.S. was affected severely for the financial crisis of 2007-09. The GDP growth has increased 1.9% in the fourth quarter of 2007 from the last quarter. 2008 and 2009, these two years were the two worst years for American economy. In 2008 excluding the 2nd quarter the GDP growth was negat ive throughout the year. In the 4th quarter of 2008 the GDP growth was -9% which was the lowest for a quarter in the period of Economic recession. From the 3rd quarter of 2009 the GDP growth was tend to positive and after that the growth was always positive. This statistics shows that in that time period the economy was not productive at all. All the sectors were affected by the credit crunch situation more or less, as a result the total GDP of the strongest economy declined. The manufacturing industries were unable to get the credit as they get it in the earlier time. The banks and other financial institutions didn’t get the payment from the debtors, so several banks were declared bankrupted, as a result they were unable to issue credit to the business entities when the business organizations are largely depends on debt from the banks. So the productivity of the organizations became less and the GDP growth rate declined. Impact in the Employment Sector Figure 2: The Layoff d ue to the Financial Crisis Data Source: (Auer, Auer and Wehrmuller, 2008) From the above graph it can be said that since the 9/11 the layoffs has risen to the highest level. It can be concluded from the statistics that for the financial crisis not only the GDP of the country declined, the layoff rate also reached to the country’s highest level. The cause of the financial crisis was the disability to pay the debts of the households; as a result the bad debt of the financial institutions has increased. Some financial institu